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Hey guys!

So I know it’s been a while and last time I was here I said I was going to keep the blog going, and that was my intention…but then we had another set back.

Ian is hurt again, and this is the first time I’ve publicly acknowledged it.

Back in July (after being at his new job for only 2 months) Ian was performing a job that he literally did every single day and there was a freak accident where he bent the wrong way when lifting a heavy piece of equipment and he threw his back out.

Originally the doctor thought it was just a sprain and that not lifting for a while and light duties (which he’s been doing by going into the placement agency and doing administrative work for them). However, it’s now been 3 months and he’s still doing physio, in a lot of pain and his xrays have come back negative.

So we’re back to square one.

He is receiving more of his wages this time around than when he was on EI back in the winter, but we still have a ton of debt from that time that we are still trying to pay off…and with Harley’s birthday and Christmas around the cornier, things are once again pretty tight.

The main reason I have been absent from posting has been the stress of it all. We have had to put aside the plans we were trying to make for next year, which included moving into a house and expanding our family. Delaying those plans has been extremely hard for me to deal with.

However, since we are back where we were nearly a year ago, I definitely have a lot to post about as we try to manage our money to start getting our debt paid off and save whatever we can for the future.

I’m back!